Tag Archives: english literature

To write or not to write

To write or not to write

All those who live in the mostly free world have the freedom of speech and expression which means we can write about pretty much anything. I am not going to go into the art of taboo writing as my knowledge in all things that require a lot of research is limited. However, in general I can write about anything from the sesame seed that has been stuck in my teeth since Friday after I had that questionable sushi or the woes of public transport which to me means nothing since I drive a car and live in a small town. But what if I am not really confident about my writing skills, what if I really don’t want my Facebook friends, majority of whom are classmates, seniors or juniors of my English literature major days, who will not only be worthy critics but in most cases published bloggers themselves. Why is it that I can’t write something, just anything and want it to be read (widely of course) while remaining anonymous. Apparently the best way to make your blogs read is to ask your friends to read it tag them on Facebook and twitter and other social media that from my sheer ignorance I am unaware of. Why on earth would I want my friends to read anything unless the rest of the world has given me the stamp of approval that I am a good writer?

 Why can’t I hope to scribble my musings on a piece of paper and hide it only to be found years from now by an anonymous person whose bought my house and realising the gem of a creation rushes to the nearest (I am not sure what happens to the rest of the story) and makes me immortal posthumously.

Why can’t I write long emails to a dear friend of all things that disturb or trouble me (the I-can’t-believe-I-married-that- guy husband) the I-cant believe- I- work- here job and the I can’t-believe-no one-understands-me life and expect them to be pinnacles of post-modernist literature  when my dear friend realises that the world deserves to read them.

Why can’t I write about the joys of falling in love for the first time or in hindsight the foolishness of all things teenage in my little diary and hope for it to be found in an OpShop by a publisher browsing for all things used.

Why can’t I write about an end of the world saga that is not distopic but a world where all things apocalyptic clear away, greed, lies, global warming and climate change are thing s of the past and the human race has become so much wiser and hope the manuscript makes it way on a misplaced satchel to a Hollywood director looking for the next big thing.

Why can’t I just write without worrying about links and taglines and publishing ingenuity?

I guess the path to success through writing is not about writing at all, it is an entrepreneurial adventure where you need to be ruthless to succeed and if you don’t have the acumen (business and IT) you may want to resort to being a closet writer whose writings are most likely to be lost by a corrupted motherboard.

I know which kind I am.


Posted by on July 5, 2012 in Uncategorized


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